Source code for frkl.frkl

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from .chains import *
from .processors import *

__metaclass__ = type

log = logging.getLogger("frkl")

[docs]class Frkl(object): def __init__( self, configs=None, processor_chain=LOAD_OBJECT_FROM_URL_CHAIN, max_items=9999 ): """Base object that holds the configuration. Args: configs (list): list of configurations, will be processed in the order they come in processor_chain (list): processor chain to use, defaults to [:class:`UrlAbbrevProcessor`] max_items (int): max number of items to allow, mostly used to catch bugs in the code, contact the developer if you hit this number L """ if configs is None: configs = [] if not isinstance(processor_chain, (list, tuple)): processor_chain = [processor_chain] self.processor_chain = processor_chain self.configs = [] self.set_configs(configs) self.max_items = max_items
[docs] def set_configs(self, configs): """Sets the configuration(s) for this Frkl object. Args: configs (list): the configurations, will wrapped in a list if not a list or tuple already """ if not isinstance(configs, (list, tuple)): configs = [configs] self.configs = list(configs)
[docs] def append_configs(self, configs): """Appends the provided configuration(s) for this Frkl object. Args: configs (list): the configurations, will wrapped in a list if not a list or tuple already """ if not isinstance(configs, (list, tuple)): configs = [configs] # ensure configs are wrapped for c in configs: self.configs.append(c)
[docs] def process(self, callback=None): """Kicks off the processing of the configuration urls. Args: callback (FrklCallback): callback to use for this processing run, defaults to 'MergeResultCallback' Returns: object: the value of the result() method of the callback """ if not callback: from .callbacks import MergeResultCallback callback = MergeResultCallback() configs_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.configs) context = {"last_call": False} callback.started() while configs_copy: if len(configs_copy) > self.max_items: raise FrklConfigException( "More than {} configs, this looks like a loop, exiting. Contact the developer to up that limit if you think this is an issue.".format( self.max_items ) ) config = configs_copy.pop(0) context["current_original_config"] = config self.process_single_config( config, self.processor_chain, callback, configs_copy, context ) current_config = None context["next_configs"] = [] context["current_config"] = current_config context["last_call"] = True self.process_single_config( current_config, self.processor_chain, callback, [], context ) callback.finished() return callback.result()
[docs] def process_single_config( self, config, processor_chain, callback, configs_copy, context ): """Helper method to be able to recursively call the next processor in the chain. Args: config (object): the current config object processor_chain (list): the list of processor items to use (reduces by one with every recursive run) callback (FrklCallback): the callback that receives any potential results configs_copy (list): list of configs that still need processing, this method might prepend newly processed configs to this context (dict): context object, can be used by processors to investigate current state, history, etc. """ if not context.get("last_call", False): if not config: return if not processor_chain: if config: callback.callback(config) return current_processor = processor_chain[0] temp_config = copy.deepcopy(config) context["current_processor"] = current_processor context["current_config"] = temp_config context["current_processor_chain"] = processor_chain context["next_configs"] = configs_copy current_processor.set_current_config(temp_config, context) additional_configs = current_processor.get_additional_configs() if additional_configs: configs_copy[0:0] = additional_configs last_processing_result = current_processor.process() if isinstance(last_processing_result, types.GeneratorType): for item in last_processing_result: self.process_single_config( item, processor_chain[1:], callback, configs_copy, context ) else: self.process_single_config( last_processing_result, processor_chain[1:], callback, configs_copy, context, )
# several useful or common helper methods
[docs]def load_object_from_url_or_path(urls): """Simple wrapper to create a list of dictionaries from a local or remote file. If input is a single url, a single list will be returned. If a list, the result will be a list of lists. As this uses safe_load with the yaml parser, the dictionary will probably not be in the same order as in the original file. Args: urls (list): a list of paths and/or urls safe_load (bool): whether to use safe load with the yaml parser. This will destroy the order of a dict. Returns: list: a list of dictionaries, representing the content of the input files """ single_input = False if isinstance(urls, string_types): single_input = True urls = [urls] f = Frkl(urls, LOAD_OBJECT_FROM_URL_CHAIN) result = f.process() if single_input: return result[0] else: return result
[docs]def load_string_from_url_or_path( urls, template_vars=None, delimiter_profile=JINJA_DELIMITER_PROFILES["default"], use_environment_vars=False, use_context=False, create_python_object=False, safe_load=True, ): """Simple wrapper to create a list of dictionaries from a local or remote file. If input is a single url, a single list will be returned. If a list, the result will be a list of lists. Args: urls (list): a list of paths and/or urls template_vars (dict): if not None, the string will be considered a jinja2 template and this dict will be used as replacemnt dict delimiter_profile (dict): the delimiter profile, if templating use_environment_vars (bool, str): whether to also use environment variables when templating use_context (bool, str): whether to also use the frkl context when templating create_python_object (bool): whether to create a python object out of the result string or not Returns: list: a string or python object, representing the content of the input files """ single_input = False if isinstance(urls, string_types): single_input = True urls = [urls] chain = load_templated_string_from_url_chain( template_vars, create_python_object=create_python_object, use_environment_vars=use_environment_vars, use_context=use_context, delimiter_profile=delimiter_profile, ) f = Frkl(urls, chain) result = f.process() if single_input: if not result: return [] return result[0] else: return result