Source code for frkl.frkl_factory

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from .callbacks import *
from .chains import *
from .frkl import Frkl
from .processors import *

__metaclass__ = type

log = logging.getLogger("frkl")

[docs]def init(files_or_folders, additional_configs=None, use_strings_as_config=False): """Creates a Frkl object. Args: files_or_folders (list): a list of files or folders or url strings. if the item is a file or url string, it will be used as Frkl bootstrap config, if it is a folder, it is forwarded to the 'from_folder' method to get lists of bootstrap and/or config files additional_configs (list): a list of files or url strings, used as configs for the initialized Frlk object use_strings_as_config (bool): whether to use non-folder strings as config files (instead of to initialze the Frkl object, which is default) Returns: Frkl: the object """ if additional_configs is None: additional_configs = [] chain_files = [] config_files = [] for f in files_or_folders: if not os.path.exists(f): # means this is a url string if not use_strings_as_config: chain_files.append(f) else: config_files.append(f) elif os.path.isfile(f): # means we can use this directly chain_files.append(f) else: temp_chain, temp_config = get_configs(f) chain_files.extend(temp_chain) config_files.extend(temp_config) if not chain_files: raise FrklConfigException( "No bootstrap information for Frkl found, can't create object." ) frkl_obj = factory(chain_files, config_files) return frkl_obj
[docs]def from_folder(folders): """Creates a Frkl object using a folder path as the only input. The folder needs to contain one or more files that start with the '_' and end with '.yml', which are used to bootstrap the frkl object by reading them in alphabetical order, and one or more additional files with the 'yml' extension, which are then used as input configurations, again in alphabetical order. Args: folders (list): paths to local folder(s) Returns: Frkl: the initialized Frkl object """ chain_files, config_files = get_configs(folders) if not chain_files: raise FrklConfigException( "No bootstrap information for Frkl found, can't create object." ) frkl_obj = factory(chain_files, config_files) return frkl_obj
[docs]def get_configs(folders): """Looks at a folder and retrieves configs. The folders need to contain one or more files that start with the '_' and end with '.yml', which are used to bootstrap the frkl object by reading them in alphabetical order, and one or more additional files with the 'yml' extension, which are then used as input configurations, again in alphabetical order. Args: folders (list): paths to one or several local folders Returns: tuple: first element of the tuple is a list of bootstrap configurations, 2nd element is a list of actual configs """ if isinstance(folders, string_types): folders = [folders] all_chains = [] all_configs = [] for folder in folders: chain_files = [] config_files = [] for child in os.listdir(folder): if ( not child.startswith("__") and child.startswith("_") and child.endswith(".yml") ): chain_files.append(os.path.join(folder, child)) elif child.endswith(".yml"): config_files.append(os.path.join(folder, child)) chain_files.sort() config_files.sort() all_chains.extend(chain_files) all_configs.extend(config_files) return (all_chains, all_configs)
[docs]def factory(bootstrap_configs, frkl_configs=None): """Factory method to easily create a Frkl object using a list of configurations to describe the format of the configs to use later on, as well as (optionally) a list of such configs. Args: bootstrap_configs (list): the configuration to describe the format of the configurations the new Frkl object uses frkl_configs (list): (optional) configurations to init the Frkl object with. this can also be done later using the 'set_configs' method Returns: Frkl: a new Frkl object """ if frkl_configs is None: frkl_configs = [] if isinstance(bootstrap_configs, string_types): bootstrap_configs = [bootstrap_configs] bootstrap = Frkl(bootstrap_configs, BOOTSTRAP_PROCESSOR_CHAIN) config_frkl = bootstrap.process(FrklFactoryCallback()) config_frkl.set_configs(frkl_configs) return config_frkl