Source code for frkl.frklist

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import copy
import logging
import os
import sys

from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedSeq
from six import string_types
from stevedore import driver

from frkl import load_string_from_url_or_path
from frutils import StringYAML
from frutils.defaults import (
from .exceptions import FrklistConfigException


yaml = StringYAML() yaml.default_flow_style = False log = logging.getLogger("nsbl")
[docs]def create_tasklist(tasklist, context=None, meta=None, vars=None): """Loading the tasklist class Args: name (str): the registered name of the extension init_params (dict): the parameters to initialize the extension object Returns: DictletFinder: the extension object """ log2 = logging.getLogger("stevedore") out_hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) out_hdlr.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("freckles plugin error -> %(message)s")) out_hdlr.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log2.addHandler(out_hdlr) log2.setLevel(logging.INFO) if context is None: context = {} if meta is None: meta = {} if vars is None: vars = {} plugin_name = meta.get("tasklist-type", "default") log.debug("Loading freckles tasklist plugin '{}'...") mgr = driver.DriverManager( namespace="frkl.frkists", name=plugin_name, invoke_on_load=True, invoke_args=(tasklist,), invoke_kwds={"context": context, "meta": meta, "vars": vars}, ) log.debug( "Registered frklist: {}".format(", ".join( for ext in mgr.extensions)) ) return mgr.driver
[docs]class Frklist(object): def __init__(self, tasklist, context=None, meta=None, vars=None): self.tasklist_raw = tasklist if not isinstance(context, FrklistContext): self.context = copy.deepcopy(context) self.context = self.create_context(self.context) else: self.context = context self.tasklist_raw_type = None if meta is None: meta = {} else: meta = copy.deepcopy(meta) self.meta = self.process_meta_properties(meta, copy.deepcopy(tasklist)) self.tasklist_id = self.meta["tasklist_id"] self.env_id = self.meta["env_id"] if vars is None: vars = {} else: vars = copy.deepcopy(vars) self.vars = vars self.tasklist_pre = self.preprocess_tasklist( copy.deepcopy(tasklist), self.context, copy.deepcopy(self.meta), copy.deepcopy(self.vars), ) self.tasklist = self.expand_and_augment_tasklist(self.tasklist_pre)
[docs] def preprocess_tasklist(self, tasklist, context, meta, vars): if isinstance(tasklist, string_types): self.tasklist_raw_type = "string" content = load_string_from_url_or_path( tasklist, create_python_object=True, template_vars=vars, use_environment_vars=True, delimiter_profile=JINJA_DELIMITER_PROFILES["freckles"], ) return content elif isinstance(tasklist, (list, tuple, CommentedSeq)): self.tasklist_raw_type = "list" return tasklist else: raise FrklistConfigException( "Invalid type for tasklist: {}".format(type(tasklist)) )
[docs] def process_meta_properties(self, meta_dict, tasklist): if "tasklist_id" not in meta_dict.keys(): meta_dict["tasklist_id"] = GLOBAL_TASKLIST_ID() if "env_id" not in meta_dict.keys(): meta_dict["env_id"] = GLOBAL_ENV_ID() if isinstance(tasklist, string_types): meta_dict["tasklist_raw_type"] = "string" if "tasklist_parent" not in meta_dict.keys(): meta_dict["tasklist_parent"] = os.path.dirname(tasklist) else: meta_dict["tasklist_raw_type"] = "list" if "tasklist_parent" not in meta_dict.keys(): meta_dict["tasklist_parent"] = None return meta_dict
[docs] def render_tasklist(self, **kwargs): return yaml.dump(self.tasklist)
[docs] def expand_and_augment_tasklist(self, tasklist): return tasklist
[docs] def create_context(self, context_params): return FrklistContext()
[docs]class DefaultFrklist(Frklist): def __init__(self, tasklist, **kwargs): super(DefaultFrklist, self).__init__(tasklist, **kwargs)
[docs]class FrklistContext(object): def __init__( self, base_directory=None, allow_remote=False, allow_untrusted_urls=False, trusted_urls=None, abbrevs=None, environment_paths=None, template_vars=None, ): """The context a tasklist lives in. This is shared among all the tasklists of the same type. Args: base_directory (str): the directory to be used for relative paths, defaults to 'os.getcwd()' allow_remote (bool): whether to allow the auto-download of remote artefacts (Ansible roles, tasklists, etc. allow_untrusted_urls (bool): if 'allow_remote', allow the download of urls that don't start with strings not contained in 'trusted_urls' trusted_urls (list): a list of urls (and/or abbrevs) indicating urls to download from (if 'allow_untrsuted_urls' is False abbrevs (dict): a dictionary of abbreviation mappings in the form of {<abbrev_alias>: <abbrev_dict>} environment_paths (dict): a dictionary of paths, sorted by the type of artefacts they hold (e.g. task-aliases, Ansible roles, etc.) """ if base_directory is None: base_directory = os.getcwd() self.base_directory = base_directory self.allow_remote = allow_remote self.allow_untrusted_urls = allow_untrusted_urls if trusted_urls is None: trusted_urls = [] if self.allow_remote and not self.allow_untrusted_urls and not trusted_urls: log.warn( "'allow_untrusted_urls' is set to false, but no trusted_urls specified, setting 'allow_remote' to false" ) self.allow_remote = False if not abbrevs: abbrevs = { "file": DEFAULT_URL_ABBREVIATIONS_FILE, "repo": DEFAULT_URL_ABBREVIATIONS_REPO, } self.abbrevs = abbrevs if environment_paths is None: environment_paths = {} self.environment_paths = self.cleanup_environment_paths(environment_paths)
[docs] def cleanup_environment_paths(self, environment_paths): result = {} for path_type, paths in environment_paths.items(): if not paths: paths = [] if isinstance(paths, string_types): paths = [paths] elif isinstance(paths, tuple): paths = list(paths) paths[:] = [os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(p)) for p in paths] paths[:] = [p for p in paths if os.path.exists(p)] result[path_type] = paths return result