Source code for frkl.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import os

from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from six import string_types

from .frkl import Frkl
from frutils import calculate_cache_location_for_url, ensure_parent_dir
from frutils.defaults import DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_BASE
from .processors import EnsureUrlProcessor, UrlAbbrevProcessor

[docs]def get_full_url(abbrev_or_url, abbrevs=None): """Expands input to a full url if abbreviated. Args: abbrev_or_url (str): a full or abbreviated url Returns str: the full url """ u = UrlAbbrevProcessor(abbrevs=abbrevs) chain = [u] single_input = False if isinstance(abbrev_or_url, string_types): single_input = True urls = [abbrev_or_url] f = Frkl(urls, chain) result = f.process() if single_input: if not result: return [] return result[0] else: return result
[docs]def download_cached_file( abbrev_or_url, update=False, cache_base=DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_BASE, abbrevs=None, return_content=False, ): """Downloads a file using a full or abbreviated url. Args: abbrev_or_url (str): the full or abbreviated url update (bool): whether to 'force' update the file if it doesn't exist cache_base (str): root of cache directory abbrevs (dict): (optional) url abbreviations return_content (bool): whether to return the path to the file (False) or it's content (True) Returns: str: the path to the downloaded file or it's content (depending on the 'return_content' variable) """ if not isinstance(abbrev_or_url, string_types): raise Exception("Url needs to be string") rel_cache_path = calculate_cache_location_for_url(get_full_url(abbrev_or_url)) target_file = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(cache_base, rel_cache_path)) if os.path.exists(target_file) and os.path.isfile(target_file) and not update: if return_content: with open(target_file) as f: content = return content else: return target_file elif os.path.exists(target_file) and not os.path.isfile(target_file): raise Exception("Target file is not a file: {}".format(target_file)) chain = [UrlAbbrevProcessor(abbrevs=abbrevs), EnsureUrlProcessor()] f = Frkl([abbrev_or_url], chain) result = f.process()[0] ensure_parent_dir(target_file) with open(target_file, "w") as f: f.write(result) if return_content: return result else: return target_file
[docs]def content_from_url( abbrev_or_url, update=False, cache_base=DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_BASE, abbrevs=None ): """Downloads a file using a full or abbreviated url and returns it's content. Args: abbrev_or_url (str): the full or abbreviated url update (bool): whether to 'force' update the file if it doesn't exist cache_base (str): root of cache directory abbrevs (dict): (optional) url abbreviations Returns: str: the content of the downloaded file """ content = download_cached_file( abbrev_or_url, update=update, cache_base=cache_base, abbrevs=abbrevs, return_content=True, ) return content
[docs]def dict_from_url( abbrev_or_url, update=False, cache_base=DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_BASE, abbrevs=None ): """Downloads a file using a full or abbreviated url and returns it's content as a python dict. Args: abbrev_or_url (str): the full or abbreviated url update (bool): whether to 'force' update the file if it doesn't exist cache_base (str): root of cache directory abbrevs (dict): (optional) url abbreviations Returns: str: the content of the downloaded file """ content = download_cached_file( abbrev_or_url, update=update, cache_base=cache_base, abbrevs=abbrevs, return_content=True, ) yaml = YAML(typ="safe") result = yaml.load(content) return result